You must be aware that to be admissible your report must be serious and factual.
Your statement is a serious step and may have implications for those affected.
As such, it is important to carefully consider the veracity of the facts observed and the statements reported in order to avoid being considered defamatory.
For your good information, the admissibility of the report will be assessed through the following:
- does the report describe a damaging situation?
- is the character of the situation described serious enough?
- are the deferred facts contrary to the law, regulations or code of conduct?
- a possible documentation completes the report (photo, document, video ...)
- is the report disinterested and in good faith?
- did the whistleblower personally witness the reported facts?
In a principle of respect for the confidentiality and legitimate rights of our employees any report will be subject to rigorous analysis and a detailed internal audit.
The secret of the identity of the author of a disinterested and bona fide report will be preserved when he denounces acts contrary to our code of ethics, criminals or crimes of which he is personally aware as applicable to current US laws.